Nearly Half Of All High School Girls’ Athletic Trophies Went to Biological Males Last Year

The transgender movement in this country is completely out of control. With girls becoming boys as young as 5 and 6 years old, a new wave of dominance has swept across high school girls’ sports.

According to Riley Gaines, the women’s rights activist who lost a national title and a world record to transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, nearly half of all high school girls’ trophies were handed to biological males last year.

“They take everything from real females,” said Gaines, “and they smile and pretend they’re just trying to live their lives. It’s disgraceful.”

Gaines offered no source for her numbers, but a quick scan of her X timeline shows a plethora of stories on the subject. Hopefully, she can make a difference.

“The story seems to be completely fabricated,” said ALLOD Sportsball Analyzer Tara Newhole, “There aren’t enough trans athletes of either gender for them to be more than a blip on the radar..”

The problem, according to Newhole, is Riley Gaines. “She tied for 5th, waited until she realized she peaked in college and had a boring life as a dentist ahead of her, and started crying about trans athletes. It’s a good play if you’re a 6 with no ass and eyes like Dory from Finding Nemo, I guess.”

Newhole is right on the money, as usual. Riley could really stand to get a job and some glute implants. God Bless America.

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